Legal mentions

Company SCEA Château du Taillan with capital of €885,725, registered in the Bordeaux Trade and Companies Register under number 432-972-628 00015 with registered office at Avenue de la Dame Blanche 33320 Le Taillan FRANCE. EORI number : FR43297262800015
05 56 57 47 00

Publishing Director :
Tatiana Falcy

Host :
2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157 59053

Website by :
François Chaussin and Cédric Darbord

Processing of personal data and right of access,
modification and deletion

The personal data collected on the site are the result of the voluntary communication of an email address when an email is sent. The e-mail addresses thus collected serve only to transmit the requested information. The collected email addresses will not be the subject of any assignment to third parties or any processing by Château du Taillan.

The purpose of traffic data is only to analyse the number of visitors to the pages of the site in order to improve the content. Visitor navigation data are not used by name. These are aggregated statistics allowing to know the most and least popular pages, the preferred paths, the activity levels per day of the week and per hour of the day, the main client or server errors.

In accordance with Article 34 of Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on information, files and freedoms, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data.

To exercise this right, you can contact

Cookies storing information about a visitor’s navigation

During your visit, cookies can be stored on your computer. The information is related to your navigation on the site (the pages you have visited, the date and time of the consultation, etc.). These cookies do not identify you. The duration of storage of this information on your computer is identical to that of your session. These cookies will be deleted when you close your browser.

You can object to the storage of cookies by setting your browser as follows:

For Mozilla Firefox :
1. Select the “Tools” menu and then “Options”
2. Click on the “Privacy” icon
3. Locate the “Cookies” menu and select the options that are right for you

For Microsoft Internet Explorer :
1. Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options”.
2. Click on the “Confidentiality” tab
3. Select the desired level with the cursor.

For Opéra :
1. Select the “File” menu > “Preferences”
2. Privacy

For Chrome :
1. In the top right corner, click More More and then Settings.
2. At the bottom, click Advanced Settings.
3. In the “Privacy and Security” section, click Content Settings.
4. Click on Cookies.
5. Enable or disable Allow sites to save/read cookie data.


The various elements of the website (form, layout, background, structure, etc.) are protected by design law, copyright, trademark and image rights and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part unless expressly authorized by Château du Taillan.

Anyone who does not comply with the applicable legal provisions is guilty of the offence of counterfeiting and is liable to the criminal sanctions provided by law.


This site constitutes a work of which Château du Taillan is the author within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

The photographs, texts, logos, pictograms, as well as all works integrated in the site are the property of Château du Taillan or third parties who have authorized Château du Taillan to use them.

Any reproduction, transmission, modification, reuse, on a paper or computer medium, of the said site and the works reproduced therein shall be authorized only for personal and private use in accordance with the provisions of Article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code. These reproductions must therefore clearly indicate the source and author of the site and/or these multimedia works.

Under no circumstances may such reproductions prejudice the rights of third parties.

Reproductions, transmissions, modifications, reuse for advertising, commercial or information purposes, of all or part of the site, are completely prohibited.

Château du Taillan’s logo

Château du Taillan’s logo cannot be modified – proportions, colours, elements, constituents – and cannot be subject to any transformation, animation or other process.

Château du Taillan’s logo can only be used and associated with verifiable information. In particular, it can only be used to illustrate relations with Château du Taillan or duly established partnership actions.

In any case, Château du Taillan reserves the right to approve or disapprove any use of its photographs, to ensure their correct use, in accordance with the ethics, morals and interests of Château du Taillan.

The aforementioned conditions apply in the context of web pages, they do not refer to the use of the logo in any other document.

Château du Taillan reserves the right to change the terms of use of the Château du Taillan’s logo at any time without notice.

Database law

The databases are protected by the law of 1 July 1998 and the French copyright regime.

Links to the site

Château du Taillan authorises the setting up of a hypertext link to its chateaudutaillan’s site for all websites, excluding those disseminating controversial, pornographic, xenophobic or potentially, to a greater extent impair the sensitivity of the greater number.

The link must lead to the homepage of the site and the chateaudutaillan’s site must appear in a new window. The pages of the chateaudutaillan’s site must not be integrated into the pages of another site (Frame). To request a hyperlink from the Château du Taillan’s site,, please email

Links to third party sites from the

The hypertext links implemented within the site towards other sites and/or personal pages and generally towards any existing resources on the internet cannot engage the responsibility of Château du Taillan regarding the links contained therein or changes or updates made to them.

General warning

Every effort has been made to provide visitors to this website with reliable and verified information. However, despite all the care taken, the site may contain inaccuracies, updates or errors.

Applicable law

This site is subject to French law.

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